Industrial Line


It is the perfect choice for customers who are looking for basic features with a superior performance, robustness and reliability:


  • Simple fuel dispensers
  • Ecounter
  • 1 product / 2 hoses
  • Flow rates: 10 to 130 l/min


Very flexible dispenser which can be tailored to your business. With a small footprint, can have up to two fuel grids, one or two hoses and a dispensing capacity of up to 200 L/min, it uses the same core technologies as the premium dispenser range.


  • Double fuel dispensers
  • Ecounter
  • Up to 2 products / 2 hoses
  • Flow rates: 10 to 200 l/min


Operations and stock management terminal for fuel dispensers, for own consumption applications, such as fleets, providing information processed by computer, with the possibility of a RS232, modem, TCP/IP, GSM/GPRS connection between the fleet management application and the supply terminals/points.


  • Fleet supply management terminal up to 1,500 users
  • Identification by magnetic card or contactless
  • Able to control up to 4 or 8 lsupply positions/calculators
  • Integration available with retail line dispenser (P1000 R) through protocol EPS

Contact us

El-Ex Garant d.o.o

Headquarters: Aleksandra Dubčeka 10
11080 Zemun, Belgrade
Ex Workshop: Aleksandra Dubčeka 5
11080 Zemun, Belgrade

+381 11 316 50 03

+381 11 261 51 26

+381 11 261 51 26