It is the perfect choice for customers who are looking for basic features with a superior performance, robustness and reliability:
Simple fuel dispensers
1 product / 2 hoses
Flow rates: 10 to 130 l/min
Very flexible dispenser which can be tailored to your business. With a small footprint, can have up to two fuel grids, one or two hoses and a dispensing capacity of up to 200 L/min, it uses the same core technologies as the premium dispenser range.
Operations and stock management terminal for fuel dispensers, for own consumption applications, such as fleets, providing information processed by computer, with the possibility of a RS232, modem, TCP/IP, GSM/GPRS connection between the fleet management application and the supply terminals/points.
Fleet supply management terminal up to 1,500 users
Identification by magnetic card or contactless
Able to control up to 4 or 8 lsupply positions/calculators
Integration available with retail line dispenser (P1000 R) through protocol EPS
Contact us
El-ExGarant d.o.o
Headquarters: Aleksandra Dubčeka 10 11080 Zemun, Belgrade
Ex Workshop: Aleksandra Dubčeka 5 11080 Zemun, Belgrade